J1 Radio Image Songs / イメージソング

    J1 presents Japanese music with American broadcasting influences.  Jingles and image songs are a very important part of our presentation.  We find that the best way to connect to our listeners is through song.  These image songs speak directly to the various segments of our audience around the world. 

    For most image songs, we present multiple versions with different music and vocal styles.

    Image Songs air on J1 HITS, XTRA and HD once per hour during most hours, normally around 30~40 minutes past the hour. 
    イメージソングはJ1 HITS、XTRA、HDで毎時30~40分頃、1時間に1回放送されます。

    General Station Promotion/局全体の宣伝

    Songs that support our overall messages about what J1 stands for.

    We love this music, we love Japan
    Our slogan says it all.  We love the music of Japan and we love Japan itself. 

    General station promotion/局全体の宣伝
    One of the objectives of J1 is to bring happiness to everyone around the world we touch and to promote Japanese culture worldwide.  Our stations are with you wherever you are.    
    J1 の目標の ーつは、私たちが関わる世界中のすべての人に幸せをもたらし、日本文化を世界中に広めることです。私たちの放送局は、どこにいてもあなたと共にあります。

    Respect for Traditions/伝統の尊重
    Modern Japanese music is more than just electronic instruments and cute singers.  In many places, traditional instruments, such as the shamisen are still very much alive. We recognize this type of music and respect the people who are keeping the traditions for the next generation.


    Tokyo is where our core audience is located. Songs that reflect life in the world's greatest city!

    A Day in Tokyo/東京での一日
    Enjoy your day in Tokyo.  Take J1 Radio with you.

    J1 Mobile App Listening in Tokyo/東京でのアプリの視聴
    Tokyo is a big place and even if you spend a week there, you will not see everything.  Take the Official J1 mobile app with you every day on a new journey.

    Tokyo Kawaii Culture/東京のカワイイ文化
    Tokyo is definitely the world capitol of cuteness.  Express your inner-kawaii with these image songs and let's have fun!

    Yamanote Line / 山手線
    No matter where you go on the Yamanote Line (or even the Chuo-Sobu Line), take J1 with you on the app!
    山手線(または中央・総武線)のどこを旅していても、J1 アプリで音楽を聴くことができます。

    FM Radio Competition/FMラジオとの競争
    Compared to other industrialized nations, Japan has far fewer commercial radio stations than the other nations. This is why Japanese radio culture necessitates the need for more talk programs.  The type of all music station like in America and Europe does not exist on FM in Japan.  J1 Radio fills that void with more songs per hour in Tokyo.  FM Radio remains a great source of local information, but when you need music, you need J1.

    Regional Connections/地域とのつながり

    J1 loves all of Japan. These songs reinforce our love for all regions of the country and their people.


    Tohoku Region/東北

    Kanto Region/関東

    Chubu Region/中部

    Kansai Region/関西

    Osaka city/大阪

    Chugoku Region/中国





    People from all over J1's World love Japanese music and J1 Radio.  We recognize those listeners through song.

    International Listening/国際的な視聴
    While FM radio is limited to line-of-sight, J1's "antenna" extends around the world.  There are many fans of Japanese music overseas.  J1 brings this great music to all of them.

    USA Listening/米国での視聴
    Japanese pop culture is thriving in America.  Anime, manga, cool tech and popular culture, the USA definitely loves Japan. J1 reaches JPOP lovers from the big cities on the coasts to small town middle-America.

    J1 HD

    Image songs for Southern California and its love for Japanese culture.

    Southern California/南カリフォルニア
    Southern California is a fun place with the beaches, sunshine and great people.  There is also a significant community of people who are either Japanese-American or who just love Japan.  J1HD is the signal for those who make Los Angeles home. 
    南カリフォルニアは、ビーチ、太陽、そして素晴らしい人々がいる楽しい場所です。日系アメリカ人や日本を愛する人々の大きなコミュニティもあります。J1HD は、ロサンゼルスを故郷とする人々のための信号です。

    In the United States, only five Japantowns remain.  Two of them are in Los Angeles.  Little Tokyo in Downtown and Sawtelle Japantown in West Los Angeles (Sawtelle & Olympic).  J1 loves and supports these and the other Japantowns.
    アメリカには、ジャパンタウンが 5 つしか残っていません。そのうち 2 つはロサンゼルスにあります。ダウンタウンのリトル トーキョーと、西ロサンゼルスのソーテル ジャパンタウン (Sawtelle & Olympic Blvd.) です。J1 はこれらのジャパンタウンとその他のジャパンタウンを愛し、応援しています。

    Discover Japan in LA/LAで日本を発見
    There is a lot of Japanese influence in Los Angeles. Not only in Little Tokyo and Sawtelle Japantown, but scattered throughout the region.  Discover Japan in LA.

    LA JPOP Culture/LAの日本の大衆文化
    The love of Japan is vibrant all over Southern California.  From the pretty lolita dresses to Shohei Ohtani on the mound, the cosplay at anime conventions to purikura in the mall, LA has something to suit the "J-POP" in you. 

    J1 GOLD

    Songs about our love for music from the Showa period.  Image songs are not being broadcast on J1 GOLD.
    昭和の音楽への愛を歌った曲。J1 GOLDではイメージソングは放送されておりません。

    J1 GOLD plays the music of the latter Showa period including the many nostalgic songs of the time.  Relive your old favorites, or you can discover for the first time, the songs that resonated during this era. 
    J1 GOLDでは、昭和後期の音楽を流し、当時の懐かしい曲を多数収録。懐かしい曲をもう一度聴いたり、初めてこの時代に響いた曲に出会えます。

    CIty Pop
    As the 90s came along, the sound was really evolving from the nostalgia of yesterday to the modern Japanese pop would blossom in the Heisei period. Listen to music evolving on J1 GOLD. 
    90年代に入ると、サウンドは懐かしい昔から、平成に花開くモダンなジャパニーズポップスへと大きく進化しました。進化する音楽をJ1 GOLDで聴いてみてください。



    This is what we play!

    • Available on the App Store
    • Available on Google Play
    • Available on Roku

    "Alexa, play the station J 1 Hits on TuneIn."
    "Alexa, play J1 HD Radio."
    "Alexa, play J1 Gold on TuneIn."
    "Alexa, play Delmarva F M on TuneIn."