Image Songs: FM Radio Competition

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Compared to other industrialized nations, Japan has far fewer commercial radio stations than the other nations. This is why Japanese radio culture necessitates the need for more talk programs.  The type of all music station like in America and Europe does not exist on FM in Japan.  J1 Radio fills that void with more songs per hour in Tokyo.  FM Radio remains a great source of local information, but when you need music, you need J1.

There are two versions of the song in each language following the same lyrics.
この歌には、同じ歌詞のそれぞれの言語で 2 つのバージョンがあります。

Joy from June to June 「どんな時も音楽で」
Always with Music

Japanese lyrics

明るい朝日が昇る (the morning sun rises)
東京の街が目覚める (Tokyo wakes up)
J1と一緒にスタートしよう (let's start with J1)
全てが輝く時間 (the time when everything shines)

J1ラジオ 聴いて (listen to J1 Radio)
どんな時も 音楽で (always with music)
東京の声 日々のリズム (a voice of the rhythm of daily life in Tokyo)
J1ラジオ 君と (J1 Radio with you)

賑やかな街並みの中 (in the bustling streets)
君のそばにはJ1 (J1 is by your side)
音楽が流れ続ける (music continues to flow)
笑顔と夢を届ける (bringing smiles and dreams)

J1ラジオ 聴いて (listen to J1 Radio)
どんな時も 音楽で (always with music)
東京の声 日々のリズム (a voice of the rhythm of daily life in Tokyo)
J1ラジオ 君と (J1 Radio with you)

Bay-FM, J-WAVE はしゃべりすぎ。(talk too much)
J1があるここに (here is J1)
もっと音楽 一緒に (more music, together)

J1ラジオ 聴いて (listen to J1 Radio)
どんな時も 音楽で (always with music)
東京の声 日々のリズム (a voice of the rhythm of daily life in Tokyo)
J1ラジオ 君と (J1 Radio with you)


This is what we play!

  • Available on the App Store
  • Available on Google Play
  • Available on Roku

"Alexa, play the station J 1 Hits on TuneIn."
"Alexa, play J1 HD Radio."
"Alexa, play J1 Gold on TuneIn."
"Alexa, play Delmarva F M on TuneIn."