Image Songs: International Listening

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While FM radio is limited to line-of-sight, J1's "antenna" extends around the world.  There are many fans of Japanese music overseas.  J1 brings this great music to all of them.

There are two versions of the song in each language following the same lyrics.
この歌には、同じ歌詞のそれぞれの言語で 2 つのバージョンがあります。

Land of Sun 「君と一緒」
Together With You

Japanese lyrics

世界中のリズム (rhythms from all over the world)
心踊るビート (A heart-pounding beat)
J1が届ける (J1 delivers the magic of sound)

J1ラジオ (J1 Radio)
君と一緒 (together with you)
音楽の旅へ (on a musical journey)
毎日響くよ (it resonates every day)

夜も朝も聞いて (listen day and night)
元気をチャージ (recharge your energy)
日本のメロディー (Japan's melodies)
つながる世界 (connecting the world)

J1ラジオ (J1 Radio)
君と一緒 (together with you)
音楽の旅へ (on a musical journey)
毎日響くよ (it resonates every day)

夢見るチャンス (a chance to dream)
広がるアンテナ (extending our antenna)
J1が照らす (J1 lights up the musical sky)

J1ラジオ (J1 Radio)
君と一緒 (together with you)
音楽の旅へ (on a musical journey)
毎日響くよ (it resonates every day)


This is what we play!

  • Available on the App Store
  • Available on Google Play
  • Available on Roku

"Alexa, play the station J 1 Hits on TuneIn."
"Alexa, play J1 HD Radio."
"Alexa, play J1 Gold on TuneIn."
"Alexa, play Delmarva F M on TuneIn."